Bieke Depoorter / Mumkin - Est-ce possible?


Bieke Depoorter has traveled to Egypt regularly since the beginning of the revolution in 2011, making intimate pictures of Egyptian families in their homes. Every night she tried to find a family that wanted to host her. In 2017, she revisited the country with the first draft of this book, inviting others to write comments directly onto the photographs. Contrasting views on country, religion, society, and photography arise between people who would otherwise maybe never cross paths. The included booklet features all of the handwritten notes in the original Arabic as well as the English translations. As it may be depict a population in transition with integrity, commitment, and respect.

Published by Éditions Xavier Barral

Arabic / French

28,5 x 27 cm

60 pages + traduction book


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Anne-Catherine Chevalier / Family
Alice Pallot / Suillus, Looking at the sun with closed eyelids
Manon Lanjouère / Les Particules, le conte humain d’une eau qui meurt
Lúa Ribeira / Subida al Cielo
Katrin de Blauwer / Les photos qu’elle ne montre à personne