Nicolas Andry

After obtaining his degree from IHECS (Brussels) in 2007, Nicolas Andry went to the United States to create a double documentary, both photographic and videographic, in the Yosemite Valley. After a stint in the theater-circus world, he returned to photography in 2016. From 2017 to 2022, he conducted research on the silver process and alternatives such as «Caffenol»: homemade developers based on plants, culinary, and household products. Between 2019 and 2021, he created the project Premier pas, a photographic series on the issue of prejudices. A partnership with the housing cooperative Logis-Floréal resulted in the creation of a book-object, combining his photographs with texts from residents of the neighborhood. His various proposals have been welcomed in academies and higher artistic schools (ERG, ENSAV La Cambre...), at the TW Fotoclub, Contretype, and during the 8th edition of the PhotoBrussels Festival. Nicolas Andry has recently co-founded the non-profit organization ART(S) PROPRE(S) with the aim of extending his reflections to all areas of arts and crafts. His « Manuel pour développer l’argentique et penser la photographie autrement » will be released in spring 2024.